Sunday, October 29

Nothing to see here.

Recently it has come to my attention that an imaginary letter from mostly imaginary people was posted here.We have received no such letter, nor do we care what any imagined missive, contained. We will not be a clearing house for 'My Pretty Pony' merchandise.
That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Twas I who did not write that imaginary letter that you did not see, and if you do not see it again the next time I do not visit your site, then I will not again comment as I have not here. No one has said anything to you, and no one will. I count only blue cars.

'My Pretty Pony' is a pseudonym for Jesus Christ. This is how we (the undersigned) shall sneak him into the public schools, past the separation of church and state and all that.

Dobbs be praised.