Thursday, July 6

Boing Boing!

Looks like we got some help from the kind folks at boing-boing to get some money raised to help magdalen. So far we've added another 30 orders to our previous... 4.

Bringing our total orders up to 34!

if you do some quick math, you see that we've almsot paid for an entire hour of lawyering! Man, lawyers are expensive. But for those of you who don't donate (and donate well), i think the Rev Nickie Deathchick said it best.

"You're NEXT!"

Something to think about. That's why we're doing all of this, so that things like this won't happen again. so that no one else will have to lose custody of their child for having beliefs that other people don't share, or for participating in something so "out there" that they just don't get it. It's a performance, it's art, it's funny.

I just got back from XDay, and i laughed my ass off most of the time i was there.

So go get a shirt!

Because it's FUNNY.

1 comment:

Ankara said...

it's even higher than that now we are pushing 50